This kit is for all robotics enthusiasts starting from beginner evel to expert level at economical cost. It comes along with an Arduino Uno board, motor driver L293D, Bluetooth HC-05 module, DC geared motor, robot chassis, caster wheel, nut-bolt pack and a screw driver
This kit is for all robotics enthusiasts starting from beginner evel to expert level at economical cost. It comes along with an Arduino Uno board, motor driver L293D, Bluetooth HC-05 module, DC geared motor, robot chassis, caster wheel, nut-bolt pack and a screw driver. The chassis of Robot is made from PVC unbreakable body and is easy to integrate. The Bluetooth module can be connected through android application thereby making it wirelessly controlled through touch and tilt. Fully functional Bluetooth controlled robot assemble in less than 30minutes
Arduino Uno with cable 1
Motor Driver L293D 1
bluetooth 1
Bo motor 2
Bo Wheels 2
Chassis 2
Screw driver 1
Nut bolt Packet 1
connecting wires M-M-10; M-F-10
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