
MechanzO 12+


MechanzO Robotic Kits are the perfect way to learn about Robotics.When one builds and assembles a Robot with Sensing & Controlling capabilities, one learns various aspects of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math aka (STEM) which is regarded as the IDEAL PATH for ‘Experiential Learning’ globally – Learning by way of doing, and in a ‘fun’ way. The kit aims at fostering creativity and building sharp IQ in children. children will have a lot of fun working on MechanzO 12+ and using this kit a number of programmable ‘multi-function’ robots or ‘Bots’ in short can be built.

Students are exposed to near real-world problem-solving ecosystem including an easy-to-use GUI programming environment, LinkUP as well as a number of input, output & access elements, helping them build ‘automation’ bots, besides off-course clearing any grey areas that may exist on the science concepts taught in the classrooms.

This kit is best suited for students aged 12 and above:-

Key features of the ‘MechanzO 12+’ kit are:-

  • Contains 200+ parts such as Programmable Controller Disc, Sensors, Motors, Gears, Harnesses & Wheels, Metallic Plates, Bars & Shafts, Displays etc.
  • Accompanied with ABL Education’s in-house developed light-weight GUI Programming Environment with drag & drop blocks, Free-hand links, debugging therby helping create flow-based logic within no time
  • A number of sample models which help the students get started with – 3D Robotic Arm , Crazy Car , Drawing Robot , Human Robot ,Line Follower Robot ,Obstacle Avoider Robot , Separator , Walker , Surface Color Identifier and Photophobe Robot.
  • An Assembly Guide providing step-by-step instructions to build the models, also explaining the science concepts behind every model
  • The kit conforms to all common safety & environmental standards, is completely safe to use.


Programming Software features include:

  • Modern GUI Programming Enviornment
  • Easy-to-use, Drag-&-drop ‘Blocks-based’ programming, making it very simple for the beginners
  • Maximize the work space
  • Step-by-Step HTML Help guide for beginners
  • No driver(s) to be installed
  • Easy interfacing with the hardware using the USB port
  • Support for Windows XP is also available
  • No dependency on Java/ .Net engine/ frame work
  • Debugging and Error detection at the programming stage
  • An all-in-one Installer, with everything included in it

Some of the ‘models’ codes bundled with LinkUpTM include:

•    3D Robotic Arm
•    Crazy Car
•    Drawing Robot
•    Human Robot
•    Line Follower Robot
•    Obstacle Avoider Robot
•    Separator
•    Walker
•    Surface Color Identifier
•    Photophobe Robot